Bead Shoppe, The ……………. OTR. G 136;
TBS, G 136
Bead Stringing.. .. ………………… HTE,105
Bead Trust.. …….. DTR, GF 199; TBs. GF 199
Beadalon …….. OTR, G 117. 118. 119. & 120;
TBs, G 117. 118. 119. s 120… .. ……….. KVM, MH 31 & 32
Beadeckle Arizona ……………… KVM, SH 19
Beaded Gift, A ……. .DTR, G 182; TBS, G 182
Beaded People ………. DTR. B 26; TBS, B 26
Beadfuddled.. . ………………… KVM, MH 41
Beadin’ Path. The… .. ……………… WI, S 126
Beading Place. The ……………. DTR. GP 250
Beadology.; . . ………………………… DTR, GP 278
BeadPen Group. The …………… KVM, TB l1A
Beads & Chips ……………. HD, P 500 & 501
Beads & Crafts. Inc …………. KVM. TA 9, 10.
Beads & Magic Wishes ……………….. DTR,
Beads & Pieces …………. HD, P 507, 509,
606, & 608
Beads & Rocks. . KVM, SH 11; RL. 129
Beads 101 ………………………….. HJ. Tl3
Beads After Beads …………. HD. P 735 & 737
Beads Bagon Gallery & Shop ….. GM. 2225
Beads Direct.. .. .. HO, P 210 & 212
Beads Fcrever.. .. .. , OTR, GF 199; TBS.
Beads Galore International Inc ….. HJ. RS Beads of Courage.. .. . DTR, G 145; TBS, G 144
Beads of Paradise/Goddess ……………. HD,
Beads on Main .. , ………………. .oTR. G 135
Beads Point.. , .. GM. 2403 & 2504
Beads Source. L.l.C ……………….. GM, 1607
Beads U Need ………………… DTR. GP 236,
237. & 238; TBS, GP 236. 237. & 238
seaosbeoer ……………………… TBS. G 170
Beadsmith, The ………… DTR, 810; TBS, B 10
Beadspinner lady. The ………….. KVM. MH 59
BeadStuff .. .. …………………….. WI. S 130
BeadSupply.Com ………. ” ……. DAY, GC 26
Beaducation …………… DTR, G 174 & 175:
TBs. G 174 & 175
Bear Carvings & Jade …………….. GM, 1231
Bear Essentials.. .. ………. , .. ” … AGT A. 903
Bear Island Trading ……………. TEP, as 31A
Beau Tsai . . ……………………. KVM. T A 39
Beauty & The Beads ….. .. GM, 1531 Beauty lanka Gems & Jewellery (pvt) ltd.
Beck, Bridget. ………………….. DTR. G 171
Becker, Debbie … DTR, G 169: TBS. G 169
Becklin Bead Designs ………… DTR, G 149;
TBS, G 149
Behnam Jewelry Corp./NK Behnam ..
GJX, 428
Beija-Elor Gems ………………… GJX, 1008
Beijing Xulongyi Gongmei Corp .. ltd …
GM. 2300 & 2301
Belen. Maria.. .. .. , .. “JOGS
Bella Findings House …………… HD, P 438
& 440
Bella Venetian Beads …………… HD, P 427
& 429; KVM. T A 12
Bellatonl Designs …………………….. MAMF
Belle Brooke Designs, Inc ……….. AGTA, 3504
Bello Modo… . …………………….. WI. S 125
Bluelrog Art Studio .. , ………. KVM, MH 47
Bochert Wholesale – Sydney, Australia ..
GJX, 117 & 118
Bodhisattva Trading Co ……………. Rl. R 167
& PB 367
Bogucki, Igor. Mineralien… . .INN, 245
Bohemian Element …………………….. GI, T 429 & 434
Boi Ngoc, Ltd.. ……………. .. …… SPM, 138
Bokamo Destgns… .. …. Wl. 5 103
Boles. Valerie… .. ……. TBS. GF 190
golva Group Inc.. . HJ. R 117
Bombardier. Jodi.. .. ….. DTR. G 158:
TBS, G 158 Bone Clones .. Bone Room ..
Bone Valley Shark Teeth .. Bonita Creations …..
HD, P 518, 520, & 522
Bonita Pearl Inc.. … .. .. GJX, 307
Bonny Doon. …HTE, 212 & 213
Bookbinder, Steven.. .. .. .. RI, R 139,
PB 339, SP B, & SP Extension
Books and DVD.. .. ……………. HTE, 500
Borhan Trading ….. .. … GJX, 2106
Borun America Jewetrv… . .GJX, 2402
Boston Gems and Findings, lnc..
Botek, Beth ….. DTR. GF 192; TBS, GF 192
Boogater Minerals and Fossils ……….. .DAY.
RM 150 & SP 53
Bouobidi Ahmed.. . . .. … HJ, P 1
Boyle, Abdoul & Ouedraogo Koli Awudu ..
AAV, 47
Boys S. Silver. The.. …….. GM. 1417 & 1516
Breckna, David A., Gemcutter ….